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Abstract Futuristic Background


Are we happy with our lives? Is this World to our liking? Are we living the lives that we want to live or have we been told to live our lives according to the status quo based on someone else’s program? We have been given many distractions and programs that have a great number of us dazed and confused while accepting religious doctrine that really screws with our heads and makes us feel unworthy of living Life. Hopefully this book will attempt to bring some clarity as to our existence, how we got here, why we are here and how the dualities of Life came into existence and for what purpose but more importantly how to come into an awareness of self so that we can acquire what is rightfully and inherently ours in reference to living and abundant sovereign Life on this Earth. 

Abstract Futuristic Background


There are the dualities of good and evil, love and hate, right and wrong, left and right, night and day. Although I said that no one knows the beginning of our existence from a human perspective this becomes a totally different thing when we speak of the spiritual aspect of our existence. This comes down to understanding that our spiritual essence is energy and energy transcends. On that note let us all be realistic about this information. This comes down to knowing what we actually are as beings on this planet. If we use our intellect as well as commonsense we will understand that we are all in the same predicament of not knowing of our true spiritual essence of even knowing and understanding what that means or is. Why are there those of us that seek Love and Happiness and why are there entities that promote hate and destruction? We must understand that our spirits are energy a vibration and energy transcends. We may take this for granted but we really shouldn’t. We should take this very seriously as if our lives depended on this because our lives do. We can no longer neglect our spirits that allow us to move and speak and breath as well as vibe with others on a harmonious and peaceful level. Hopefully this literature will be one step in us connecting with and understanding our vibrational power that has the capacity to change Humanity for the better and allow us to live the lives that we truly desire to live on a positive progressive level.

Abstract Futuristic Background


On any given day on the El trains in Chicago you will most likely see the mass majority of riders engulfed in texting. Many of them never even look up.  It is as though they are hypnotized.  No one is physically talking to each other.  We are losing our communication skills.  We are becoming isolated and unfeeling. There is a new gadget out every week when the previous gadget of similar capacity has not been fully used or explored.  When this comes to Religion many alleged Christians and religious fanatics alike will confess that they know the truth, whatever that may be but realistically speaking the majority of us all know not the truth but believe what has been told or given to us via sermons and biblical doctrine, which leaves much to be desired.  However, there are some people who actually do know the truth, which explains why the powers that be have gone to great lengths to keep the truth from the masses by keeping us distracted and in constant controversy among each other. Hopefully this book will shed light on a situation that can mean the difference between living an fruitful Life or falling into a dead road to self destruction.

Abstract Futuristic Background


There have been questions that have yet to be answered when it comes to the lives of Men of Color. There are so many myths, misconceptions and stereotypes that we have had to contend with almost daily. There have been questions as to why we are the way we are and why we do the things we do. We are constantly challenged, not just by society, but by our own culture as well. Although civilization would like to put us all in one category, we are as different as night and day. We have different views when it comes to the subjects such as Sex, Religion and Education. We are feared, and this is based on false propaganda and a barrage of unfounded and degrading misconceptions by conservative supremists.  The time has come for the misconceptions and generalizations to be clarified and disbanded. We are sick of warring within society. It is time for society to understand our individualities and to respect our way of Life. We are no different than anyone else, and we wish to no longer be viewed in a negative manner. Hopefully society will become enlightened, and all men will live in peace and harmony on this earth. If you are willing to open your mind, you will learn a great deal about Men of Color in my book. You may even learn some things about yourself.

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